The microbiome, which consists of a healthy balance of bacteria, fungi, and viruses, is numbered in the trillions in every human digestive tract. These microbes are partly responsible for converting ingested food into the chemical energy required to survive and thrive. Virile bacteria thrive in a healthy gastrointestinal system which protects you from infections and inflammation, aid digestion, and promotes mental wellness.

These “bugs” cohabit peacefully in a healthy individual, with the highest numbers found in the small and large intestines. Because it performs so many vital roles in enabling the smooth daily operations of the human being, they are sometimes considered a supporting organ.

The Invaluable Relevance of Microbiome in Your Body 

The microbiome is part of a well-balanced ecosystem with its unique makeup and variety. Disrupting this delicate equilibrium can have consequences for your alimentary health and your body’s capacity to extract the maximum amount of energy from food.

Sugars like table sugar and lactose (milk sugar) are quickly absorbed around the upper portion of the small intestine, while more complex carbs like starches and fibers that are more difficult to digest may end up within the large intestine. With its digestive enzymes, the microbiota aids in breaking down these substances. When indigestible fibers ferment, they produce short-chain fatty acids (SCFA). The body can utilize these SCFA as a food source, as it also plays a role in muscular performance. Also, it prevents chronic diseases like colon cancer and bowel disorders.

The types of microbiota that dwell in your colon are influenced by diet. Consuming prebiotics or dietary fibers is an excellent way to boost your digestive tract’s health. 

Improving your overall well being requires a plan, and knowing your microbiome levels and condition is a great way to start. Our Sensitivity & Deficiency Test Kit will inform you on the various parameters of your body functions. Order one today and assure yourself the best of healthy living.